We are your tech partner

In a scenario resulting from a rapid development of technology, companies are aware of the importance of digital transformation seeking greater competitiveness and scaling of their businesses.

from the vision to the final product

Novadigy acompaña en el desarrollo tecnológico necesario en una transformación digital a medida

Our technical capacity allows full support for any type of company along its life cycle, developing the product from the engineering and design of the idea to deploy in the market.

Customized innovation and development

We develop innovation projects aimed to optimize business activity and solve specific needs of large companies.

Our technical capacity allows us to approach the ideal technological solution to accompany our clients throughout the process, adapting the appropriate technology to the requirements and current state of the market, creating and developing unique products with demanding specifications.


Sensórica IoT
Automatización Electrónica
Señales de comunicación


Apps Android/IOS Mobile
Cloud API backend
Cloud Web Frontend

Soluciones empresariales

Contenido multimedia
Consultoría empresarial
Sistemas de Gestión empresarial

Technology must always be driven by society and business

We live in a world where technology is obsolete when it is fully widespread in society. In other words, it is constantly changing and it is difficult to foresee what the trend will be in the future.

Therefore, our role is the knowledge and observation of its influence to determine which is the appropriate tool that allows us to obtain the optimal, effective and efficient solution when we integrate it into organizations and businesses.

We understand technology as a means that facilitates all the processes that make a sustainable business, putting society, well-being and the environment at the center.



Our nature is to create solutions

We create the tools that allow the growth and scaling of businesses that require technology, contained costs and high quality.
We believe that associativity between companies drives strengths, maintaining their autonomy and facilitating the agility of processes. In other words, collaboration allows us to save time, reduce risk, and dramatically increase stability.


C/ Villalba Hervás Nº9 ,
38002, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

+34 881 270 644

Av. de Brasil 29, 1 Planta

Rúa do Restollal, 32
2ª Planta, Ofic. 200
15702 Santiago de Compostela,
A Coruña

C/ Manuel Vázquez Cacharrón, 6 Oficina A
15702 Santiago de Compostela
A Coruña

+34 881 270 644

Edifício Benvenutti Sala: 2703, 27º andar Balneário Camboriú – SC


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